Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sat. Sept. 15th

I visited Luke today with Bryan. Bryan brought Luke a little stuffed animal (a little elephant) to keep him company. Bryan was getting a kick out touching Luke's hands. He patted Luke's head before we left. I did get to hold Luke while his bedding was changed, he had wet through all his bedding, which was a good thing. He hadn't wet much because the surgery causes babies to be in a little bit of shock and their veins won't hold fluids like they should and to keep his blood pressure up, more fluids have to be given, which creates excessive amounts of fluid. As he starts to feel better letting out all that extra fluid is a good thing.
He was more awake today, opening his eyes a lot and moving around more. He looked comfortable. My mom recently asked "what did they use to close up his wounds?" They use a surgical glue, it's basically a much stronger version to liquid bandage. As his wounds heal, it will disappear.
Luke is still on the ventilator and they haven't fed him yet. Luke is taking a little bit more time then they thought to be ready for these steps, but it's not concerning and the doctors don't want to rush him. Which makes both Jeremy and I more relieved that they are letting Luke recover at his own pace.

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