Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wed. Jan. 16th

Luke continues to recover well. He has his IV out now. He had a repeat Ecocardiogram today and his pressures were around in the 60's, which in the 20's is normal, but they are not sky rocketing up, which is good. His cardiologist is pleased. They will keep dropping the NO2 down until he's off it and repeat the Eco again. This will happen next week. They are also working on lowering his diuretics too. They did a repeat x-ray today and although his lungs still look very cloudy, he has better extension in them, which means he can breath deeper. Everything is headed in the right direction and the "home" word is being tossed around. Hopefully by mid next month he'll come home. It's an amazing word to hear! It has seemed so far off in the distance, to hear it could be next month is an incredible feeling. His NNP Tara started working on a checklist for "home". Not wanting something small to stop our littlest man from coming home.
Tonight Jeremy and I were with him and the harpist visited him. Jeremy topping him off with a bottle after I nursed him and I was gazing out his window from his room listening to the beautiful music. I saw Luke's nurse working on a baby outside his door, she lifted his head and I could see it was super tiny and then his arm raised up and it looked so thin and frail. It brought tears to my eyes, as that baby was about the size of Luke when he was born. I looked over at Luke and all I could think of was "thank you Lord".
Jeremy and I visited the adoration chapel tonight for some much needed prayers in Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Mel and Jeremy, I am so happy things went well. I know Luke will get stronger and stronger, like his parents. Kisses to you all! Karie

Anonymous said...

You are all in my prayers.Karen Becke

Anonymous said...

Melinda, It is so nice to be able to stay updated with Luke and the family via this blog. Thank you for taking the time to keep it updated. We will continue to pray for Luke and his "homecoming". So glad the procedure went so well. God definately has His hand on this little one. He has come so far. God Bless you all!!!
Christine Bischof